The First Baroness's Bunny Ball

Come One, Come All, to the Baroness's Bunny Ball!

Join us for a day of dancing and games! Mirth and revelry! Bear your best bunny baubles! Host your happiest hare-iest habiliments!  Lay on your luxurious lapine liveries!

The Baroness of Skraeling Althing invites one and all to come dance with her. If dancing is not your thing, please enjoy pleasant company and games of cards and dice with us, and be amused by the many antics of the dancers! [There is no feast, but food offerings will be available throughout the day for an extra fee (dayboard).]

Date: March 18 2023, 10am to 6pm
Hosted by Stronghold of Greyfells
Location: 151 Main Street, Seeleys Bay

Gate Fees
Non-member admission $20.00
Member admission $15.00
Dayboard is + $5.00
Children 17 and under are free

Dayboard Menu
Veggie cups
Fruit cups
Meat onna stick (gluten-free)
Cheese ball onna stick (gluten-free)
Mini-quiches (caramelized onion and cheese)
Shepherds pie (vegan and gluten-free)
almond cookies (gluten-free)
